Welcome To The Republic of Flatearthastan

We are happy you are visiting the worlds largest Micro Nation – The Republic of Flatearthastan.

The Flat Earth / Free Earth Media Group was started due to love of truth, and love of the concept of freedom.  It is the founders passion to share the good news of truth and freedom, to all who have an ear to hear.

This site is a social networking platform for the Flat Earth Community.

An oasis for all things “FE”, away from the censorship of the main stream internet.

Flat Earthers are those who embrace the Builder of the Building, that we recognize we live in.

This Nation has been formed to keep the voice of the Flat Earth Community heard and united.

By joining this site, you agree to join the email list that you will will receive daily updates.

The purpose of the Republic of Flatearthastan and the Flat Earth Media Group Is to be a home for those
who acknowledge that we live on a flat plane, not a spinning ball.

We look forward in getting to know you and also in receiving your feedback!

Love One Another

Russell Dibird, Sultan of Flatearthastan and Founder of Flat Earth Media Group