About the Nation of Flatearthastan

Full name: The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of The People’s Republic of Flatearthastan.

Founded: 17 NOV 2017

Independence: July 14th, 2024

Demonym: Flat Earther or Flatearthastani

Capital: Near San Diego, California Republic

Political System: Theocratic Dictatorship – with a suggestion box.

Political Stance: At Peace And Harmony With All Flat Nations of the Earth.

Leader: His Excellency Supreme Sultan Russell “The FErret” Dibird (Sultan’s bio)

CitizensApply hereParliamentView here. Governors – View here.

Official language: Flat Earth English.

Other recognized languages: “Special” latin.

National Anthem: Listen here.

Slogan: Theories ARE NOT Facts.

Time zone: ALL (Anytime is Flatearthastan Time)

Currency: The Golden Flattie. See our money here.

National Mascot: The Ferret.

National (preferred) music genres: Flat earth, all genres. Listen here.

Recognized by: The Sultan’s kids, grandkids, and a few solids who make up our Parliament. The population of Flatearthastan is growing every day.

Laws: NO GLOBE TROLLS! The “Flat Curious” and “Globe skeptics” are always welcome to come and learn, and be entertained, along with the rest of us. We are a Common Law / Law On Your Hearts kind of people. See all the laws – and suggestions – here.



Republic of Flatearthastan