FAQs & History – The Republic of Flatearthastan


Where is The Republic of Flatearthastan located?
The Capital of Flatearthastan is an enclave completely surrounded by American territory. The first state, in our nation, is located in the San Diego California area. You can learn more about our location HERE.

Is The Republic of Flatearthastan really a country?
You betcha. It is really a country in your mind, once your realize that this is not only possible, but 100% lawful/legal truth. We are also official members of the League of Micro Nations (detailed wiki coming soon)

I don’t believe you.
A wise man once said, “It’s my prerogative.” That wise man was Bobby Brown. You don’t have to believe us – you do you and we’ll do us. But really, what constitutes what is and isn’t a country? I guess it depends on who you ask. Taiwan, Palestine, Vatican City, Kosovo and Western Sahara all say they are countries. The Nation of Malta issues passports, yet they have NO land. Flatearthastan has claimed independence, has a Constitution, it has land, borders, cultures and a kick-ass ferret as a mascot/logo/national animal, soooooooo…we’re a country. Get over it…

Can I visit the Consulate of Flatearthastan?
Why yes, yes you can. Our Capital and Consulate are located near San Diego, California Republic. Learn more here..

Can I Become a Citizen of Flatearthastan?
You sure can! Like any nation, there are requirements. There is a test (don’t worry, it’s easy) and minimal paperwork, but trust me – it’s totally worth it. CLICK HERE to get started. And citizenship is 100% FREE!

I want to be involved – how can I be part of Flatearthastan…more than just a citizen?
The Republic of Flatearthastan has many Ministries and Departments aimed at enabling and empowering our Flat Earth Community. We include Flat Earth People, social network, TV Channel, Radio, Video, Tunes, Memes, Merch and more. Learn more about our outreach here.

Does Flatearthastan have a leader?
Of course, somebodies gotta pay the bills around here… The Sultan Russell “The Ferret” Dibird is the founder and supreme leader of Flatearthastan. You can learn more about our Dear Leader HERE.

Wait a minute…what about TAXES??? If I become a citizen, will I have to pay taxes?
Flatearthastan is a tax-free nation. We don’t believe in over-taxing our citizens like some nations and states. That being said, all vast empire’s have one thing in common – overhead and expenses. We really appreciate any support that you feel lead to share with us. We love and recognize every one of our fellow, sincere Flat Earthers.

But wait! I want to know more!
You can learn more about the Nation and it’s Outreach Ministry here. You can Join Flatearthastan as a Free Citizen, or upgrade, all the way up to the Governor of your own State within the Unified Republic. Also get your own Free profile at the social media Outreach Flat Earth People here.

Check out our “About” page for more fun facts and figures.


November 17, 2017. Registered Flat Earth Radio Live – FERLive.com – The Ferret was born.

June 28, 2024. Registered Flatearthastan.org – The Nation is conceived.

July 14, 2024. The Nation is born.


Republic of Flatearthastan


Visit the Next step in your journey into the Republic of Flatearthasastan – The Sultan – here.