The Republic of Flatearthastan Everywhere I Stand It Is Flat Wed, 28 Aug 2024 04:08:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Republic of Flatearthastan 32 32 An Overview of Micronations Mon, 26 Aug 2024 17:47:04 +0000 An Overview of Micronations

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What is a Micronation?

Micronation is an entity that claims to be a sovereign nation but is not recognized by any other government or major international organization. A micronation formally and persistently agitates for sovereignty over a given territory and is thus differentiated from other social groups.

The Concept of a Micronation

In modern day, more than 400 existing micronations have been recorded. The world has seen its fair share of presidents and royalty presiding over invented empires. The self-declared entity that is a micronation can either be real, virtual, or imaginary and it is often physically small. The governments of countries in which micronations operate often dismiss the entities as trivial and harmless. Some micronations issue items such as passports, stamps, coins, medals, postage, and flags.


Micronations became gathered further popularity with the invention of the internet. The internet enabled people from all over the world to connect, interact, and trade ideas. These virtual micronations are often referred to as nomadic countries. The term micronation was first used in the 1970s. Legally, the difference between state and non-states is based on the Montevideo Convention of 1933. Some of the entities, however, reject the notion of micronations.

Types of Micronations

Micronations are formed for many reasons. Some of them are established as hobbies and for personal entertainment, and they do not seek recognition. Other micronations exist to simulate political, economic, and social processes and they boast significant numbers of individuals. These types of entities also do not seek recognition. Some begin as protests. Some self-made entities start as artistic projects, and they balloon into tourist attractions. New country projects seek formal recognition, and they are interested in creating new countries. More often than not, these projects endeavor to create human-made islands and claim them as independent countries. Another type of micronation, the alternative government, recognizes the presence of other authorities. Some micronations are created for fraudulent purposes, especially to exempt themselves out of taxation. Other micronations exploit historical and legal anomalies to declare aspirant states.

Examples of Micronations

The Republic of Molossia was declared in the state of Nevada, in 1999 by self-proclaimed President Kevin Baugh. It occupies an area of 6.3 square acres, and it has created its own currency and postal service. The Principality of Seborga was formed in 1963 in the Italian Province of Imperia. Its citizens claim that the land they occupy was not mentioned in the documents drawn during the unification attempts of Italy in the 1880s. In 1971, a micronation named Freetown Christiania was formed on an abandoned military base in the City of Copenhagen, Denmark. The entity operates as an anarchist community, and it is populated by many squatters, hippies, and anarchists. The community adheres to its set of rules, and the neighborhood is known for its brightly colored buildings and the absence of cars.

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The Ultimate Guide to Micronations Mon, 29 Jul 2024 03:58:55 +0000 The Ultimate Guide to Micronations

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What Are Micronations?

At their core, Micronations are entities that claim independence as separate nations, but are not acknowledged as such by world governments or international organizations. Furthermore, they often stem from individual or collective visions, historical disputes, or unique socio-cultural endeavors. Their existence poses intriguing questions about nationhood, sovereignty, and the global understanding of statehood.


Principality of Sealand


A look into history

Historically, the concept of micronations dates back centuries. For instance, early examples include the Kingdom of Redonda and the Principality of Sealand.

The 20th century saw a surge in micronational activity, driven by new technologies and the desire for individual autonomy. Prominent micronations like the Republic of Molossia and the Principality of Hutt River emerged during this period.

Consequently, although most micronations remain unrecognized, a few, such as the Principality of Sealand, have managed to gain limited recognition.


How to Start a Micronation

Are you ready to start your micronational journey? Then, take these essential steps:

  1. Define your vision and objectives.
  2. Create a government structure and a legal framework.
  3. Design symbols, including flags and currency.
  4. Establish a physical or virtual territory.
  5. Build a community and actively engage with supporters.
  6. Develop cultural traditions and customs.
  7. Document your micronation’s history and achievements.
  8. Actively seek recognition and consider establishing diplomatic relations (optional).


In our recent webinar, we spoke with a few micronation leaders who shared insights and tips on starting your own micronation.

Check out the video for exclusive insights into these intriguing micronations.


Famous Micronations

  • Sealand: Originating from a World War II sea fort, it proclaims itself the world’s most recognized micronation.
  • Uzupis: An artistic enclave within Lithuania’s Vilnius, it has its own constitution and celebrates its independence annually.
  • Molossia: Similarly, Molossia is a notable example of a micronation within Nevada, USA.
  • Slowjamastan: A realm of cultural music, led by its iconic leader, Sultan Randy Williams.
  • Atlantium: Located in Australia, it envisions global governance beyond conventional statehood.
  • Talossa: Founded in Milwaukee, it possesses its own language and a rich cultural history.
  • Liberland: Situated between Croatia and Serbia, it thrives on the ideology of libertarianism.
  • Akzhivland: A micronation promoted by the Israel Department of Tourism, with a riveting past.
  • Seborga: Located in Italy, this picturesque village has its own monarch and minted coins.
  • Ladonia: Swedish in origin, it was founded over a dispute about sculptures and now champions art and freedom of expression.
  • Melchizedek: Furthermore, this micronation with no physical territory is known more for its financial operations.
  • Zaqistan: Situated in Utah, USA, it was purchased and established as an artistic project.
  • Kugelmugel: Found in Vienna, Austria, it’s known for its spherical structure and for declaring independence after a dispute over building permits.
  • Elleore: Located in Denmark, this island micronation was established as a satirical response to the Danish government.




Challenges Faced by Micronations

Legal Recognition – Micronations often struggle to gain recognition from established governments, which limits their ability to engage in diplomatic activities.

Sustainability – Additionally, Maintaining the infrastructure, economy, and population of a self-sustaining micronation can be challenging over the long term.

Internal Unity – Furthermore, micronations need a united and engaged citizenry to thrive, underscoring the importance of community cohesion for their success.

International Perception – Finally, Micronations are often viewed as quirky or eccentric, which can hinder their efforts to be taken seriously on the global stage.


Through challenging traditional notions of nationhood and state boundaries, micronations redefine our understanding. Rooted in everything from historical disputes to cultural movements, personal ambitions, and artistic expressions, they provide diverse insights into human sociology, politics, and imagination. In a landscape often dominated by established geopolitical entities, micronations actively remind us of the myriad ways in which humans can express their identity and self-govern.


“In a world of nations, the imagination creates independent states.” – Gaston Bachelard

This article originally found here.

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Welcome To The Republic of Flatearthastan Fri, 28 Jun 2024 21:18:08 +0000 Welcome To The Republic of Flatearthastan

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Welcome To The Republic of Flatearthastan

We are happy you are visiting the worlds largest Micro Nation – The Republic of Flatearthastan.

The Flat Earth / Free Earth Media Group was started due to love of truth, and love of the concept of freedom.  It is the founders passion to share the good news of truth and freedom, to all who have an ear to hear.

This site is a social networking platform for the Flat Earth Community.

An oasis for all things “FE”, away from the censorship of the main stream internet.

Flat Earthers are those who embrace the Builder of the Building, that we recognize we live in.

This Nation has been formed to keep the voice of the Flat Earth Community heard and united.

By joining this site, you agree to join the email list that you will will receive daily updates.

The purpose of the Republic of Flatearthastan and the Flat Earth Media Group Is to be a home for those
who acknowledge that we live on a flat plane, not a spinning ball.

We look forward in getting to know you and also in receiving your feedback!

Love One Another

Russell Dibird, Sultan of Flatearthastan and Founder of Flat Earth Media Group

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