Federal Holidays and Observances – The Republic of Flatearthastan

First Observance in Flatearthastan:

The Official, main, original High Holy Day in Flatearthastan is the founding of the very first solid piece of concrete affirmation that TRUTH must be enabled, which was the registering of Flat Earth Radio Live – FERLive.com.

Being frustrated by rejection by various popular alternative media outlets, The Sultan realized the need to create a platform to enable his brother and sister stani’s to present “the truth” as seen through our alternative, “new view” of our world, since “the Key to understanding” has been returned to us.

FERLive.com was the first of a dozen or more websites that now populate the Flat Earth Media Group, which is the Outreach for the Republic of Flatearthastan.

FERLive.com Registered On: 17 NOV 2017

IT IS PROCLAIMED from here forth, that every November seventeenth (17th) SHALL BE

Flatearthastan Day

The Grand Anniversary of the beginning of Founding of the Nation of the Republic of Flatearthastan – one brick at a time.

Second Observance In Flatearthastan

July 20th – recognizing 1969 – is declared for two reasons.

1) Preteen Russell, The Sultan, WON A CAKE on the cakewalk, his first and only to this day.  It was at the church/school Ice Cream Social held that lovely Sunday in July in a neighborhood in a city in Midwest USA.

2) Two of the most controversial events of modern man – we all gathered around television sets to watch a movie / video production. The events of that evening are etched into every consciousness in the civilized world.



Republic of Flatearthastan

Visit the Next step in your journey into the Republic of Flatearthasastan – The National Anthem – here.