
Why Flatearthastan?

Micronations are often founded by people who support a different political ideology than the current government.

Currently, to our knowledge, every one of the almost 200 United Nations recognized governments on earth are involved with, and/or condone the fallacy that their land has a curve in it, which contributes to the idea that the earth is a globe shape – like a great big ball.

From an American, mainstream perspective, the idea of the earth being flat, rather than globular, first came into the online narrative in 2015. In typical government fashion, when they know a trend, or movement is about to begin, then they install “leaders” and “pioneers” into the field in order to lead it and guide it and control it. So that as the new movement inevitably grows, it can be directed and divided, as needed, by those who wish to control the narrative.

Flatearthastan, and the Flat Earth Media Group, were founded for the purpose of being a home for the growing community of world wide awakeners to the fact that the earth is flat. Once people realize that we don’t live on a spinning water ball, hurdling through limitless space, suddenly they feel very ALONE in this big, confusing world. Flatearthastan is here to welcome the lonely truth seekers from all over this glorious flat domain of earth.

The Key Restored

Jesus said: Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the keys to understanding. Luke 11:52

“The powers that be” knew that we the people were getting ready to be handed back one of the main “keys” – flat earth – that had been concealed for so long. Once they lost control of this all important key, they had to expand their multi-fronted propaganda campaigns.

Here we are, in 2024, 9 years after the birth of the Flat Earth Awareness, and predictably, we are as scattered and divided as any “planner” could have ever hoped for. Those who have risen to the top of the Flat Earth personality podium, seem only interested in growing their own, personal little kingdoms of followers, subscribers, and supporters. None appear to have much, if any, desire for UNITY in this scattered community of people who have discarded the globe spell.

Nine years ago, the only large groups of people who knew that the earth is flat were the government and the freemasons, and a few others who were let in on the “secret”.

Now, only 9 short years later and the Flat Earth concept has gone mega viral in the minds of men and women, while it has organizationally gone into hibernation.

Flatearthastan is the solution to the fractured and disjointed Flat Earth community of millions of believers world wide.

Resistance Grows Quickly

Flat Earth has become the Falun Gong of the west, in terms of speed to be adopted by the people in a grassroots fashion. Founded in 1992, Falun Gong was a spiritual practice rooted in Buddhist tradition, that let people get back to their inner roots. It consists of two main components: self-improvement through the study of wise teachings, and gentle exercises and meditation. The government of China did everything they could to outlaw and crush this simple, people-driven movement. But the people knew, in their hearts, what is right, good and beneficial. By the end of that decade it is estimated that over 10% of the Chinese people were practicing Falun Gong – well over 100 million people.

Government vs The People

Similarly we have seen the US Government, through it’s Space Propaganda organ known as NASA, do everything they can to sidetrack and marginalize the Flat Earth tidal wave of people. Suddenly everyone with any sense, has onboarded the idea of earth being the center of God’s creation, stationary, not moving, not spinning. Just grounded here, underneath Polaris, which never moves, and all the constellations that always rotate, but never change throughout the centuries.

Referring again to “the powers that be”, we see a tactic that they invented called Full Spectrum Dominance, which is how they wage war. The “spectrum” that they aim to “dominate” is the war for your mind. That is why they control all Government/Military, Media, Education, Business – every place that they can influence how the sheep/people think.

Fly Me To The Moon 2024

For instance, here in 2024 we saw the Hollywood movie “Fly Me To The Moon” released. It is based on the ADMISSION that yes, an earth based “movie” of the moon landing mission was filmed and used as official coverage of the 1969 “event’. This movie was an attempted legal rebuttal of a very serious accusation against NASA and the US Government.

In the world of Lawful and Legal, a “deathbed confession” carries an enormous amount of weight, or gravity, if you will. NASA was facing not one but TWO CONSECUTIVE deathbed confessions, by a father/son duo. The father was a guard for the original filming of the very first “moon movie” in an Air Force hangar in New Mexico, all well documented by many sources. He also was forced to be a “gangster” and murder one of his fellow airmen, who knew the secret and planned to go public with it.

On his deathbed, he confessed all to his son, who took the information and began to go public with it. That is, until he got a knock on the door by 4 men in dark suits and sunglasses, that informed him that the US Government considers the oath that his father had taken to be inherited now to the son, who, in their mind, received the information illegally, through his dying dad. They made it very clear that if he told anyone anything further regarding this matter, he would be instantly, PERMANENTLY, silenced.

Moon movie hoax Father Son Consecutive Deathbed Confessions

His son predictably went silent, as threatened, but not before he made a pre-deathbed confession, on video, which was forbidden to be shown until after his soon expected death due to cancer. You are welcomed to visit here to watch the whole story, as delivered by the son, before he died in 2022. Again, the movie “Fly Me To The Moon” was a direct response to this video.

The Purpose of Flatearthastan

The purpose of Flatearthastan is to entertain and enable the people who wake up to the fact that we don’t live on an accidental spinning water ball. We want to help you, our Flat Earth brothers and sisters to be able to conveniently spread this awareness to any one who has an eye to see, or an ear to hear it.

The explosive popularity of this subject is really not surprising. The normal human, if given a truthful and honest choice, picks truth over lies a vast majority of the time. Once given the option between a spinning water ball, or a stationary flat plane, the people instinctively go towards the one that makes the most sense, from their experience here living on earth. The only traction the globe gets is in a classroom setting, not the real world.

Flatearthastan enables it’s citizens and fans the ability to easily spread the good news of the Flat Earth.  Once people see how thoroughly entertaining it is, on so many levels, that the Flat Earth proposition becomes a fun and entertaining journey.

Starting with your ability to become an official Flatearthastani, we try to keep the whole journey as fun and upbeat as possible.

We have our own social media platform, Flat Earth People, where we can all get to know each other, both online and physically, in person.

We have a variety of Entertainment channels, starting with The Flat Earth Channel for Smart TV here, currently streaming on Roku and Amazon Fire. Stay tuned, coming soon to Apple TV and Android TV.

Next we go back to our roots of where we started – with radio. Our first property was Flat Earth Radio Live –, The Ferret. Along with Flat Earth Video and Flat Earth Tunes.

Always entertaining and stimulating the brain cells, is Flat Earth Memes. And find something to read and study at Flat Earth Publishing.

Finally, we have the latest updates of Flat Earth News Network. And in a feeble effort to keep the bills paid, in this vast empire, we offer Flat Earth Merchandise here.