Location – The Republic of Flatearthastan.

The Nation of Flatearthastan is made up of many, individual states. You are invited to create your own state within the Nation of Flatearthastan.

In law, the word state has various meanings. The two main ones, for our purpose, is 1). a physical location; 2). a mental creation.

Flatearthastan is the perfect state because we unify the two to make one, giant harmonious world of love for truth.

It's all a State of Mind

The Mental State of Flatearthastan

To satisfy the first definition, you can look around where you are, and ask yourself “can I see the curve of the earth from here”? And if the answer is NO, and you would like to identify with other people who “see the missing curve”, rather than people who don’t, then you can instantly, legally naturalize yourself into the PEACEFUL Nation Flatearthastan.

Here is the current law in the United States:

8 USC 1101(a) (23) The term “naturalization” means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.

Now you can confer the state of Flatearthastan on any place you may be, at any time you want. Even 100% legal, legit style.

The Physical State of Flatearthastan

If you want a place here on earth that you can call your own, for free, you are welcomed to the most amazingly FLAT and FREE place in America – Slab City, California. Just claim a “slab” of concrete that is not being currently used and viola, it’s yours.

welcome to slab city california

Or, you can buy land for a very reasonable price, in this area of California.

This location is right next to the Salton Sea, which has places of over 20 miles of flat water, that have had many successful laser beam experiments over the top of in the last few years by various flat earth explorers, researchers and curiosity seekers.

Your State of Flatearthastan

As our Nation grows, the bonds between our citizens will grow into basically new family units. Our Nation will be made up of States, citizens, ambassadors, delegates, and more.

Let’s say you have a name or title you have created, for your property – wherever you live – then you can claim that name as a State IN Flatearthastan. It can be done at any time, by any means whatsoever, like say it out loud. Then, your decision can be reinforced by publicly acknowledging that the action has been taken, like signing up on this site as an ambassador, and making your declaration public. Join Flatearthastan here.

From Palomar Mountain In San Diego California Perfectly FLAT As Far As The Eye Can See

From Palomar Mountain In San Diego California Perfectly FLAT
As Far As The Eye Can See

Republic of Flatearthastan