Russell Dibird

The Sultan of The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of The People’s Republic of Flatearthastan

Flatearthastan Sultan Dibird Lab Coat


The Sultan warmly welcomes all Flat Earthers to participate in the multitude of avenues provided by the Republic of Flatearthastan. This is a Nation built for We The People and we welcome like minded individuals to join us in our march towards logical dominance.

Radar Approach ControllerThe Sultan is a Native of the Show Me State of Missouri – over on the Kansas City side. After high school he enlisted in the United States Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller, fulfilling the duties of a Radar Approach Controller for a full four year enlistment.

Shortly after discharging from the Air Force, new President Reagan discharged a huge percentage of the FAA’s Air Traffic Controllers, due to labor disputes. Russell then began the Air Traffic Control Enroute Center chapter of his career in Air Traffic Control.

After a few years, he felt the Entrepreneurial calling, and resigned his GS position with the FAA at Kansas City Center, and moved a new, growing family to Carlsbad California in Northern San Diego.

Since then he has started many businesses, including Information/Data, Medical Devices, Nutritional Supplements, and others.

Several of his businesses are currently operated by his grown children, which allows him time to work on his passion – pursuing and spreading Truth in this age of deception everywhere.

The Sultan has published his first book – a seminal treatise you don’t want to miss. Read it for FREE here, or buy it here.

He encourages everyone to GET INVOLVED, because every one of us can make a difference in the course of this world.

Republic of Flatearthastan

Visit the Next step in your journey into the Republic of Flatearthasastan – The Consulate – here.